Main Story Pt. 1

Near the capital of the country Lyrouche, there is a village called Hawkinson. There are few residents, and many of them are the remains of families that await their missing members return from the military. Triplets Taren, Tenn, and Tyken have recently said goodbye to their father so that "he may serve the king in a time of dire need", as he put it. Their mother left them when they were very young, and so the three of them have no one but each other, their close family friend Reyanne, and Reyanne's daughter Annika. 

None of the other villagers have children left in their homes, they have also at one point or another decided to go to the capital and serve. Taren wonders what it would be like to serve in the army, while Tenn says it would be terrifying and Annika and Tyken agree that war is glorified so that people will throw their lives away instead of trying to work things out peacefully, Taren believes that war is necessary in a world so stuck on selfishness.

When the village is struck by bandits a few days later, the triplets and Annika defend their home to the best of their ability. Though they are successful in driving the bandits away, the damage to the village is substantial, and the four of them know they must ask the king for help in reparations and also reassurance that the government still tries to defends those outside the capital.

When they arrive at the capital, Tyken notes how much more intimidating it is than he thought it would be. The walls around the capital are very high and clearly filled with guards. The doors open once the teens identify themselves, and the one who opens the gate recognizes them as children of Sir Turner, who is well respected by the king and is considered one of the military's strongest generals. He escorts them to the castle and tells the castle guards of their lineage, and they too recognize the name and allow the humble villagers passage. They are brought to Firos, and despite his disinterest, he hears their case.


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