Pre-Main Story Pt.3

Yorke and his family were captured on the edge of Western Riese, the third time they had tried to escape Nykos captivity and return to their home in Tryst. This was the farthest they had ever gotten, and they refused to give up. The troupe of five (a young Yorke, his two brothers, and his mother and father) resisted as best they could, but they were brutally beaten and transported back to Nykos, muzzled and broken.
Yorke hated to see his wolfskin family yearning for freedom so badly, and he used every opportunity he had to show he hated his master, including refusing to do labor, until one day his master had enough, and he forced Yorke to watch as he whipped his youngest brother Ashe to the brink of death.
Yorke became completely submissive to prevent any more whipping, and he pent up bitterness and frustration year by year, watching Nykos men and women mock them and throw things at them while they dug wells for water.
He snapped when a group of women spit on him and called him filth. He attacked them, but the women were saved by a powerful general named Tarana (Nykos’ military is primarily noble females, their culture trains high rank girls from a young age, I may post on Nykos culture some other time). Tarana became Yorke’s target, and he built up a force of other bitter wolfskin and taguel who did not belong in such an arid and hot climate and wanted escape. They planned to intimidating their owners into freeing them by killing Tarana, the local enforcer of law. Yorke was planning on having more than her blood on his hands, but he did not tell the others.
One of the shifters sold out the others, however, and the slaves were all brutally beaten. Just as they began to give up hope for escape, their province was visited by an angel...


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