Support: Taren and Tyken

Tyken: That will never work!
Taren: What will never work? You playing with nerd stuff?
Tyken: Taren, you wouldn't understand this.
Taren: Try me.
Tyken: There's this huge lightning storm coming soon, and I want to rout the electricity away from the camp. To do that, I need a tall, metal object, like a rod, but we'd have to somehow stack all the metal in camp to reach high enough, and even then, the lightning could end up striking a nearby tree instead, which could light on fire and fall over and crush one of the tents, maybe even the convoy, and I can't let that happen-
Taren: You're stressed.
Tyken: What does that have to do with anything?
Taren: I never see you stressed.
Tyken: That's nice, really fascinating that you would notice my aggravated behavior.
Taren: Why don't you just put a piece of metal on top of a tree?
Tyken: What?
Taren: Does that not work?
Tyken: I guess... it could? But what if it doesn't?!
Taren: We'll test it. When the storm comes, we know it'll go towards the highest target. We'll move our tents out of the way of the possibly toppling tree we put the rod on-
Tyken: And then we can find out the fate of the tree without any casualties or loss of resources!
Taren: Right.
Tyken: Taren, you're a genius!
Taren: I-I am?
Tyken: I have to go get everything ready. Thank you so much!
Taren: Wow. I guess I am.

Tyken: Taren, thanks to you, I've gotten to record valuable data.
Taren: Mm-hm.
Tyken: I'd love to see you try this puzzler next.
Taren: zzz...
Tyken: Taren?
Taren: Snork! Hah, huh? Wha-
Tyken: See, look, there's this cavern nearby I wanted to check out because-
Taren: Is this a nerd thing? Because I'm not really a genius, you know that.
Tyken: Maybe you are and you just don't apply it.
Taren: Dude, I just don't think I was built for. I like chopping wood, beating up bandits, breaking things, not cavern exploration and tree-lightning rod-whatever it was we did.
Tyken: I knew you would do this.
Taren: Can I just sleep?
Tyken: You just restrain yourself. You keep yourself in this little bubble of your personality, you don't explore, you don't learn, you don't experience the new, you just loaf around in your own laziness and pretend like what you have now is good enough.
Taren: I'm good enough for myself, jerk. I don't have to constantly satisfy my need for inflating my ego by discovering things, I just exist.
Tyken: I didn't save the camp from being crushed by a tree to inflate my ego.
Taren: You're right, you didn't save the camp from being crushed by a tree. I did.
Tyken: Look, can you just come to the east of the forest after dark tomorrow? Please. I'll show you what it's like to see new things.
Taren: I won't like it-
Tyken: But will you go?
Taren: ...Fine.

Taren: So what did you want to show me?
Tyken: The cavern here.
Taren: And?
Tyken: The flowers here blow up.
Taren: What.
Tyken: When they experience friction, they spread seeds by propulsing them into the air with a purple gas-like substance.
Taren: Really?
Tyken: Yeah, check it out.
Taren: ...Wow. That's awesome.
Tyken: But I don't know how the flower initiates the air burst. Like, what makes the mechanism in the flower work, I don't quite understand.
Taren: I suppose I could try and help.
Tyken: We'll work on it together.
Taren: Right. Now... um-
Tyken: What? Oh! Oh, I didn't-
Taren: You sprayed purple all over me.
Tyken: I can- hey!
Taren: Hah! Got you back!
Tyken: This means war, Taren!
Taren: Bring it! Ha ha ha!


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