Adventures in FE Hacking 1

So, I have been hacking FE7 for fun. I also wanted to see how my characters' growth rates work out, and despite the lack of the ability to have both magic and strength, and the brain-dead easy enemies making my units look like deities, I have gotten a general idea of what to do with the units.

I will be writing today on the first two or three chapters of FE7 that I did, the adventures of Lyn, Sain, and Kent, AKA not Taren, not Tenn, and not Tyken, respectively. I altered the characters' palettes (blonde Lyn for the win), I altered their bases and growths (good Lord Lyn is awful, I'm so glad you weren't forced to use her after her part of the story, and also glad I got to change her stats), and I had to put in several cheats to repair the tutorial :/ Oops.

Lyn/Taren, or Lynren (?), was, as anticipated, a very strong unit. She had her first struggle when she... didn't struggle. In the tutorial, the first axe-wielding bandit is supposed to hit Lyn, and then lose. So Lyn tells you to heal her wound with a vulnerary. Except, no matter how many times she fought that bandit, Lynren would not allow herself to get hit. Every time, she would dodge, ask for a vulnerary, and then I'd tell her she didn't need one, and then she'd go "well, maybe I would feel a little less like turning to vulneraries if someone was here to support me" and then I would say that she always pulls that card and she'd start crying and- wait. No, that's a bad drama show. Never mind.

What I ended up doing was using a Codebreaker cheat to alter her current HP so that when she needed a vulnerary, she could actually use it. Granted, I forgot to turn off the cheat before I used the vulnerary, so when she used the healing item, the game kept her HP at 17, which is where I put it when she needed to be injured, but whatever. The boss was a piece of cake, though Lynren did not crit like she was supposed to *shrug of indifference*.

Sain/Tenn and Kent/Tyken's new selves were no issue, however. Their classes had been altered, unlike Lynren, because there's no female fighters in the GBA titles and I have yet to figure out how to add new classes to replace unused ones, and I have to say Sainn and Kenken worked out well. There was actually one or two times where Sainn was so stupid that he got hit and died from the axe of the second brigand he wanted to go after, even though he was a myrmidon with Tenn's evasive stats, but I think that's just because Sain, as a character, is an idiot and I dislike him so strongly that he sensed it and committed suicide via lack of dodging.

The third chapter was just weird because Kenken wanted to visit the same house twice? Like, the game made me take him there twice. Other than that, smooth sailing. Stat-wise, Lynren grew like a weed, and Kenken was pretty good, while Sainn had some issues dealing damage, but doubled all the time and became very evasive, as well as growing once or twice in defense/HP, which was nice. Unfortunately, his competition, Esther, grew like a maniac in a later chapter, which normally would make me bench him if I didn't need to balance Esther's bases anyway, and that's a discussion for a later hack post. I also refused to bench him because it's a requirement in the project (theoretically) that, in battle, you bring all three protagonists, and all three, if they die, it leads to game over, so I have to bring Lynren, Kenken, and Sainn to every level.

There you have it, my first hack post. It's not anything grand, but hopefully I can figure out more of this stuff, get some experience, and maybe even someday create a whole hack of my own.


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